Friday, July 16, 2010


Technically this is a 2009 work, but it was in my 2010 photos so there you have it. Around Christmas time my fingers start to itch, ancy to create something new. Be it gift or decoration. I love that time of year.
I have done several of these Santas for people and always meant to do one for my own house. My only regret with this one is that I was too impatient to wait for the paint to dry properly before sealing it and some of the red shows up in the beard and furry trim. Oh well.
Last minute Christmas dollies for my girls.
yeah, I'm silly when it comes to dolls. I love making them, even when they are made from scraps like these are.
Yes, my secret it out! I catch Monsters and then gobble them up!

The rest of this year, so far has been devoted mainly to writing and moving in to a new home. So, slowing down in the art department. But I look forward to doing another mural sometime. Definately in our next home!

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